Healthcare Proxy 101: Your Medical Power Of Attorney

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What is a Power of Attorney for Healthcare?

A Power of Attorney for Healthcare, also known as a Healthcare Proxy or Medical Power of Attorney, is a legal document that empowers someone you trust to make healthcare decisions on your behalf if you become unable to do so due to illness, injury, or other circumstances. This person is called your healthcare agent or proxy.

Why Do You Need a Healthcare Proxy?

Unforeseen Circumstances: Accidents, illnesses, or surgeries can leave you temporarily or permanently unable to make decisions about your own healthcare.

  • Peace of Mind: Knowing that you have a trusted person in place to make important healthcare decisions can provide you and your loved ones with peace of mind.
  • Ensuring Your Wishes Are Followed: A healthcare proxy can help ensure that your wishes regarding your medical treatment are respected, even if you are unable to communicate them directly.

  • What Can Your Healthcare Proxy Do?

    Free Illinois Medical Power of Attorney Form  PDF
    Free Illinois Medical Power of Attorney Form PDF

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    Your healthcare proxy can make decisions about your medical care, including:

    Choosing doctors and hospitals

  • Consenting to or refusing medical treatments
  • Accessing your medical records
  • Making decisions about life-sustaining treatments

  • How to Create a Healthcare Proxy

    1. Choose a Healthcare Agent: Select someone you trust to make important healthcare decisions for you. This could be a family member, friend, or legal professional.
    2. Obtain a Form: You can find Power of Attorney for Healthcare forms online, through your state’s Secretary of State’s office, or from an attorney.
    3. Complete the Form: Follow the instructions on the form to provide information about your healthcare agent, your preferences for medical treatment, and any specific instructions you want to give.
    4. Sign and Witness: Have your healthcare proxy and two witnesses sign the document.
    5. Store the Document: Keep a copy of your healthcare proxy in a safe place, such as with your important legal documents.


    A Power of Attorney for Healthcare is a vital legal document that can provide you and your loved ones with peace of mind and ensure that your healthcare wishes are respected. By appointing a trusted healthcare agent and creating a clear plan for your medical care, you can be prepared for any unforeseen circumstances.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    1. Can I change my healthcare agent at any time? Yes, you can change your healthcare agent at any time by creating a new Power of Attorney for Healthcare document.
    2. What if I don’t have a healthcare proxy? If you do not have a healthcare proxy, your family members or a court-appointed guardian may be able to make healthcare decisions on your behalf. However, this process can be more complex and time-consuming.
    3. Can my healthcare proxy make decisions about my finances? No, a healthcare proxy can only make decisions about your medical care. If you need someone to manage your finances, you will need to create a Power of Attorney for Property.
    4. Can my healthcare proxy refuse life-sustaining treatments? Yes, your healthcare proxy can refuse life-sustaining treatments on your behalf if that is your expressed wish.
    5. Is a Power of Attorney for Healthcare the same as a living will? While both documents address your end-of-life wishes, a living will specifically outlines your preferences for life-sustaining treatments, while a Power of Attorney for Healthcare empowers someone to make broader healthcare decisions on your behalf.

    Power Of Attorney For Healthcare Form

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