My Medical Proxy

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A Medical Power of Attorney (MPOA) is a legal document that appoints someone you trust to make medical decisions for you if you’re unable to do so yourself. This could happen due to illness, injury, or other circumstances.

Why is it important?

Peace of mind: Knowing you have someone you trust in place to make medical decisions for you can be reassuring.

  • Avoiding family conflicts: Having an MPOA can help prevent disagreements among family members about your medical care.
  • Ensuring your wishes are followed: An MPOA allows you to specify your preferences for medical treatment.

  • What should be included in an MPOA?

    Appointment of agent: Clearly state who you’re appointing as your agent to make medical decisions.

  • Scope of authority: Specify the types of medical decisions your agent can make (e.g., hospitalization, surgery, life-sustaining treatments).
  • Duration: Indicate how long the MPOA will be in effect.
  • Emergency provisions: Consider including provisions for emergency situations where your agent may not be available.

  • Free Texas Medical Power of Attorney Form - PDF – eForms
    Free Texas Medical Power of Attorney Form – PDF – eForms

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    How to create an MPOA?

    You can create an MPOA by:

    Using a pre-printed form: Many legal supply stores and online resources offer pre-printed MPOA forms.

  • Consulting an attorney: An attorney can help you create a customized MPOA that meets your specific needs.

  • Conclusion

    A Medical Power of Attorney is a valuable tool for planning your healthcare. By appointing a trusted agent to make medical decisions on your behalf, you can ensure that your wishes are followed and your loved ones are protected.


    1. Can I change my MPOA? Yes, you can change your MPOA at any time. Simply create a new MPOA that revokes your previous one.
    2. Do I need a witness or notary for my MPOA? The requirements for witnessing and notarization vary by state. It’s important to check your state’s laws to determine what is required.
    3. Can my agent make decisions about my finances? No, an MPOA only grants your agent authority to make medical decisions. To give your agent authority to manage your finances, you’ll need to create a Power of Attorney for Finances.
    4. What if I don’t have an MPOA? If you don’t have an MPOA, your family members may have to go to court to obtain guardianship or conservatorship, which can be a lengthy and stressful process.
    5. Can I appoint more than one agent? Yes, you can appoint more than one agent. However, it’s important to clearly specify how your agents should make decisions if they disagree.

    Medical Power Of Attorney Form

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