Casual One-on-One Meeting Agenda

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One-on-one meetings are a crucial tool for building strong relationships, improving communication, and achieving shared goals. By following a structured template, you can ensure that your meetings are productive, focused, and valuable for both parties.

Meeting Agenda

1. Opening Remarks (5 minutes):

  • Greet the other person and express your appreciation for their time.
  • Briefly recap the purpose of the meeting and set expectations.

  • 2. Review of Goals and Objectives (10 minutes):

  • Discuss the goals and objectives that were set during the previous meeting or at the beginning of a new project.
  • Assess progress made towards these goals and identify any challenges or roadblocks.

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    One-on-One Meeting Templates for Engaged Teams by Fellow app image.alt

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    3. Discussion of Current Projects and Tasks (20 minutes):

  • Review each active project or task in detail.
  • Discuss any updates, changes, or concerns.
  • Address any questions or issues that need to be resolved.

  • 4. Feedback and Support (15 minutes):

  • Provide feedback on the other person’s performance and contributions.
  • Offer support and encouragement where needed.
  • Discuss any areas for improvement or development.

  • 5. Planning and Goal Setting (15 minutes):

  • Set new goals or adjust existing ones based on the discussion.
  • Create a plan for achieving these goals, including deadlines and responsibilities.

  • 6. Closing Remarks (5 minutes):

  • Summarize the key points discussed during the meeting.
  • Thank the other person for their time and contributions.
  • Confirm the next meeting date and time.

  • Tips for Effective One-on-One Meetings

    Prepare in advance: Take time to review the agenda and gather any necessary materials.

  • Create a comfortable environment: Choose a quiet and private location for your meeting.
  • Listen actively: Pay attention to what the other person is saying and ask clarifying questions.
  • Be respectful: Treat the other person with courtesy and consideration.
  • Follow up: After the meeting, send a brief email summarizing the key points and next steps.

  • Conclusion

    By following this sample one-on-one meeting template, you can create a structure that promotes effective communication, collaboration, and goal achievement. Remember to tailor the template to your specific needs and the relationship you have with the other person. Regular one-on-one meetings are an essential investment in building a strong and productive working relationship.


    1. How often should one-on-one meetings be held? The frequency of one-on-one meetings depends on the nature of the relationship and the goals to be achieved. For close collaborators, weekly or bi-weekly meetings may be appropriate, while less frequent meetings may suffice for more distant relationships.
    2. What should be discussed during the opening remarks? The opening remarks should set the tone for the meeting and establish a positive atmosphere. Greet the other person, express your appreciation for their time, and briefly recap the purpose of the meeting.
    3. How can I ensure that the meeting stays on track? To keep the meeting focused, stick to the agenda and avoid going off on tangents. Encourage the other person to stay on topic and politely redirect the conversation if necessary.
    4. What should I do if the meeting runs over time? If the meeting is running long, consider rescheduling or postponing certain agenda items. It’s important to respect the other person’s time and avoid making the meeting feel rushed or stressful.
    5. How can I make one-on-one meetings more engaging? To make one-on-one meetings more engaging, try incorporating interactive elements, such as role-playing or brainstorming exercises. Additionally, be prepared to share personal anecdotes or stories that can help to build rapport and create a more informal atmosphere.

    Sample One On One Meeting Template

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