Board Meeting Agenda – Keep It Casual

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What is a Board Agenda?

Think of a board agenda as a roadmap for your board meeting. It’s a list of topics that will be discussed, in the order they’ll be covered. A well-structured agenda keeps the meeting focused, efficient, and productive.

Why is a Good Agenda Important?

Keeps everyone on track: A clear agenda prevents tangents and ensures that all important topics are covered.

  • Prepares attendees: When everyone knows what to expect, they can come prepared with questions or information.
  • Improves decision-making: A well-organized agenda can lead to better, more informed decisions.

  • How to Create a Board Agenda

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    Free Board Meeting Agenda Templates image.alt

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    1. Identify key topics: What are the most important issues that need to be discussed?
    2. Prioritize the topics: Decide which topics are most urgent or require the most attention.
    3. Group similar topics: If possible, group related topics together to streamline the discussion.
    4. Allocate time: Estimate how much time each topic will require.
    5. Include administrative items: Don’t forget to include routine items like approving the previous month’s minutes or setting the date for the next meeting.

    Basic Board Agenda Format

    Meeting Date and Time

  • Call to Order
  • Approval of Minutes
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Old Business
  • New Business
  • Announcements
  • Adjournment

  • Tips for Effective Board Agendas

    Be concise: Keep your agenda items clear and to the point.

  • Use bullet points: This makes the agenda easier to read and understand.
  • Leave room for discussion: Allow time for open discussion on each topic.
  • Distribute the agenda in advance: This gives everyone a chance to prepare.

  • Conclusion

    A well-structured board agenda is essential for effective and efficient meetings. By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you can create agendas that keep your board focused on the most important issues and help you achieve your goals.


    1. How often should we have board meetings? The frequency of board meetings depends on the organization’s needs and bylaws. However, most organizations meet monthly or quarterly.
    2. Who should be included in the board agenda? The agenda should be distributed to all board members, as well as any guests or advisors who will be attending the meeting.
    3. Can the agenda be changed during the meeting? While it’s best to stick to the original agenda, changes can be made if necessary. However, it’s important to keep the meeting on track and avoid major deviations from the plan.
    4. What should I do if a board member is not prepared to discuss an agenda item? If a board member is unprepared, you can offer to postpone the discussion or provide them with additional information.
    5. How can I ensure that everyone participates in the meeting? Encourage open discussion and provide opportunities for all board members to contribute. You can also use techniques like round-robin discussions or brainstorming to get everyone involved.

    Board Agenda Format

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